Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The woes of management

I am very saddened by the fact that my last post was MONTHS ago! I recently, possibly fool heatedly, took a promotion at work that has severely cut into my riding time. It has given me pause and had me contemplating living out of my car as a bike bum. I then realized that I like having money and shelter and a marriage, so I decided against this option. I am now slowly regaining ground on my riding life and, thusly, my sanity.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to get out to Platte River in the early morning where I relearned some important lessons.

1) When riding first thing in the morning, let someone else go first. As much as I like a snack on the trail, spider webs, their prey and their owners are not it. Which leads me to lesson 2.

2) Do not ride with your mouth open if at all possible.

3) Do not brake uphill. I know, "what the hell?" is right.

4) Do not try to put your foot down on the downhill side of the trail. Why this is always my impulse, I can't even begin to tell you.

5) Trees are hard, try to avoid them.

6) Wet rocks are slick... and hard, try to avoid them.

That was all the learning my body could tolerate in one day, but I am ecstatic that I had the time to do it! I still plan on getting back to Lewis and Clark again AND remember to bring my camera and GPS. Until then, happy riding, get some dirt!

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